Post-Operative Implant Instructions

  1. It is extremely important that you do NOT bite directly down on this implant with anything hard. Example: carrot, hard apple, or hard candy.

  2. Sutures are dissolvable. They will resorb within 1-2 weeks.

  3. Avoid forceful spitting, because it prolongs bleeding.

  4. You may gently rinse your mouth with a warm salt water solution (1/2 teaspoon salt to an 8 oz. glass of water) 4 or 5 times a day for several days. Continue to brush your teeth as normal and avoid the surgical area.

  5. After 7 days, you must maintain the cleanliness of the implant. If you have a healing abutment (a shiny silver button coming up through your gum), brush on the healing abutment keeping it clean and shiny. This is to prevent any tissue from growing over top of this abutment. 

  6. Keep your lips moist with a cream or ointment to prevent them from drying or cracking. 

  7. It is important to maintain a balanced diet. For the following week, you may eat anything you can cut with a fork. Drink plenty of fluids (6-8 glasses per day). NO DRINKING STRAWS for one week. 

  8. You may notice the most discomfort and swelling 3 to 5 days after surgery.

  9. Do NOT drink alcoholic beverages while on pain medication or antibiotics. 

  10. Take prescribed medications ONLY as directed by your doctor.

  11. Refrain from smoking following surgery (FOREVER!). This can cause implant failure.

  12. Maxillary (Upper) implants need to heal a minimum of 6 months. Mandibular (Lower) implants need to heal a minimum of 4 months.

  13. The final restoration (Crown) will be completed with your restorative dentist, after Dr. Petcash has cleared you for restoration. 

  14. Dr. Petcash can be reached 24 hours a day at 724-444-7770. 

Please click here for a downloadable copy of these instructions for your convenience to print off if need be.