Pre-Operative Intravenous Anesthesia

  1. Please arrive 15-20 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment so that the proper paperwork may be filled out.

  2. You may not eat or drink after midnight (12:00am) the night before your appointment. 

  3. You are welcome to brush your teeth the morning of surgery, but please be sure to get all excess water and tooth paste out of your mouth without swallowing any. 

  4. Dress comfortably and be sure to wear a short-sleeved shirt for intravenous anesthesia purposes. (a sweatshirt or sweater is welcome in recovery if you would like)

  5. NO jewelry or nail polish the day of surgery. Especially, please do not have nail polish on the patient’s middle fingers. 

  6. A responsible adult must accompany the patient to the office and be sure to drive the patient home following the surgery.

  7. No energy drinks 3 days prior to surgery.

  8. No Erectile Dysfunction Medications (Viagra, Cialis, etc.) 3 days prior to surgery.

  9. Must continue Asprin and all Blood Pressure Medications on regular schedule.

Please click here for a downloadable copy of these instructions for your convenience to print off if need be.